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About The Studio


Count It All Joy Studio


In 2007 my husband added a 500 square foot art studio to our home. The timber frame and beaded plank interior were milled on our farm. The logs were obtained at various new construction sites. During the building process a Barn Swallow built her nest on one of the cathedral ceiling beams. She successfully raised her little family and the empty nest still remains in place.


The name of the studio is taken from a verse in the Bible. James 1:2 “My brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials” It has been my experience that during difficulties and trials, I can count on Jesus as a trusted friend, comforter, and guide. I have also found that creating works of art bring me joy.


The many windows provide good lighting to work. There is a wonderful view of the woods and pasture land that surround our farm. It is a peaceful setting and I do count it a joy to be in my studio every day. Would love for you to visit the studio. Make an appointment or come by chance the studio is open that day. Directions and map are on the contact page.

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